January 9, 2010

Our Grading Criteria

We want to let you know how we will be grading the restaurants we review. Here's our chosen criteria. Note that this criteria only applies to dine-in restaurants. (We'll be using a different set of criteria to grade fast-food restaurants, for instance.) Feel free to provide any suggestions, comments, or questions.

A) Service:
- Speed (how fast the food arrives depending on its type)
- Facilities (everything from the bathroom to the tables)
- Staff (how efficient the staff are in doing their jobs, and how friendly they are)

b) Presentation
- Temperature (we want our steaks steaming hot and our ice cream freezing cold)
- Visual appeal (tasting good isn't enough, our perfect meal has to look the part as well)
- Scent/aroma (we won't eat a Shawarma that smells like flatulence)
- Hygiene (the cleanliness of the facilities in general)

c) Atmosphere
- Design/decor (we want to feel like we're in Venice when we're eating at an Italian joint)
- Suitable dishes (in accordance to the type of restaurant- if we see a Bahraini restaurant selling apple pie, we won't be impressed)
- Other details (the AC isn't set to five degrees below zero, nice lighting, etc.)

d) Food
- Variety of menu (caters to vegetarians and all tastes without straying too far)
- Balance of ingredients (things like sauce : steak ratio)
- Quality (frozen food is NOT acceptable)

e) Pricing
- How expensive are the dishes with respect to the portions?
- Are we getting are money's worth in terms of facilities and staff treatment?

Other miscellaneous aspects to consider:
- Location of restaurant (We won't be too keen on visiting a restaurant after one million twists and turns in the tight alleyways of Umm Al-Hassam. We're looking at you, Al-Arisha)
- The targetted customers for the restaurant.


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